Product Identification Help


Outside of the greater possibility of layer shifting with more and thinner layers … I don’t see anything inherently wrong with 2" layers no. It would certainly provide you with more options to rearrange or exchange the layers after a purchase (see post #2 here) although having that many options can become so complex that it can lead to paralysis by analysis or information overload. There is also more about the pros and cons of using multiple layers in a support core vs a single layer in post #2 here.

It would be very difficult to duplicate the Beautiful with 2" layers because both of the top layers in the Beautiful are 3" and layer thickness can make just as big a difference as layer firmness.

You can see the specifics of our mattress in post #4 here but I would keep in mind that what works for either or both of us may be completely unsuitable for someone else to sleep on.
