Pulling the Trigger - Ultimate Dreams 13" Gel Memory Foam Mattress

Hi Synd95,

A mattress/topper combination can have some real advantages over a mattress alone if you are able to test them both together (the topper can be changed or replaced without having to replace the whole mattress and the top layers of a mattress are the ones that will usually soften or degrade the fastest) but the PLB topper is particularly soft and softer foams aren’t as durable or in some cases as suitable as firmer latex topper … even though they are still more durable than similar layers of soft low density polyfoam. I think some of the feedback may reflect this.

Assessing the quality, value, and durability of a mattress depends on knowing the materials in the mattress (which is really the only way to assess any potential weak links of a mattress) but most chain stores are not very good at providing this so it’s probably wise to pass them by … even for the single brand I listed there.

Hopefully he can provide you with more information about the gel memory foam and the polyfoam that is in the mattress you like and of course you’re always welcome to post the details of the layers here.

As you know … I think very highly of Rick and Fox Mattress (which of course is why they were invited to become members here) and as you discovered they are amazingly knowledgeable and helpful. Quite frankly I wouldn’t hesitate to buy anything that he sold (assuming it was suitable of course but they are good at helping you with that as well). He is what I call “mattress people”.

The adjustable bed thread here should help. I personally own a Reverie Deluxe (made in China) which I thought was the best value I knew of that was available at the time I bought it and I’m very happy with it. It was equivalent or better quality and had better features at a lower price (although Leggett & Platt prices have since come down somewhat).

Thanks for taking the time to write such a great synopsis of your experiences. I think it will be very helpful to other members in the area.
