Pure Latex Bliss Pamper and back pain

Hi KinFol,

That’s great news :slight_smile:

I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent on anatomy sites working on “connecting the dots” of how different “bony prominences” are affected by different interconnected influences or how different areas of the body can affect others with the amazingly complex connections between nerves, blood flow, ligaments, joints, tendons, muscles and the skeletal structure.

I certainly didn’t suspect when I started this site how involved I would become in this type of “study” … and still only know so little of an amazingly complex subject. :slight_smile:

In any case … you may even discover over time that the last bit of what you are feeling resolves itself as your body re-adjusts or there may even be some options available that correct it if it does become a larger issue … but for now I would celebrate that you are as close as you are. That alone can be difficult enough!
