Question about possible development of latex allergy of newborn exposed to latex mattress

Hi ps99115,

I suspect you’ve read it but for the sake of others that read your post there is more information and links to some very good resources about latex allergies in post #2 here.

While I’m not qualified to provide medical advice … I have read a great deal about latex allergies and I haven’t seen anything in what I’ve read that would cause me any undue concern with a newborn and latex allergies or any evidence that exposure to latex can lead to allergies later in life. As far as I know a true latex type IV allergy (or any true allergy) can get worse if you already have it and you are repeatedly exposed to the allergen (someone who is allergic to bee venom for example may not react strongly at first but the reactions can become worse and even lead to an anaphylactic reaction with repeated exposure) but my understanding is that the allergy needs to be pre-existing for this to happen and is not “caused” by exposure.

Of course it would also be a good idea to discuss this with your doctor because he may have access to studies or information that I haven’t read and they would certainly know more than I do but there aren’t any contraindications that I’m aware of other than normal precautions such as any other indications that would increase the risk of a latex allergy (such as spina bifida for example).
