replace Memory foam on 4" ILD 36 latex base to create softer surface for wife

Hi Raynman10,

This would be somewhere “in the range” that would probably be a suitable choice (mattress design is as much an art as a science). What you choose for your transition layer will affect the choice of comfort layer that you use on top of it.

There are also some suggestions in the first part of post #2 here that may be helpful for couples that have very different body types or sleeping positions and have very different needs or preferences.

You are much heavier than your wife so if anything you would be much more likely to “bottom out” on a mattress than she would. The transition layer would go over the 4" firm core (not under it) and under the memory foam layer (it would be a middle layer). The idea is to have a middle range of firmness so that the transition from one layer to another is smoother and less noticeable.

I’m not sure which post you mean (it wasn’t linked) but I’m glad it helped you :slight_smile:
