Reverie Sleep System (mattress)

What is the Reverie discount for TMU customers? I input the code and nothing was reflected.

Helllloooooo??? anyone out there in Reverie mattress land?

Hi MomCat.

Sorry for the delayed reply… thanks for the bringing us back from our “reveries”. :slight_smile: your post slipped through the cracks.
Reverie is providing accessories credit for The Mattress Underground (TMU) consumer members and does not offer a specific discount code for any purchases at this time. As the TMU consumer rewards system recently changed, the best way to apply the bonus/accessories credit for TMU members is to place the order by phone with the mention that you are a consumer Member of The Mattress Underground and ask the sales representative to manually apply the accessories credit to your purchase.

Reverie’s Seep System is bundling an adjustable power base unit with one of their 4 Dream mattress models, but they also sell mattress separately.

You are certainly looking at a great quality/value choice and hopefully you can return here to let us know of your eventual decision and any other comments or questions you may have.
