Search for a new mattress, leaving Purple, Need suggestions!

Hah, interesting. I wonder if they left using Purple or, the Marketing Director is unaware? Hmm.

Currently I am researching whether I want a single king, or a split-king. Then we will probably order, and I would send them pics that we took thanks to Matrebuild, and get their feedback on how to configure the zoned layer.

Lots of issues with a split king including mattresses drifting apart (might lose the little one in there), not as much surface area if one partner needs more bed than the other and marital relations aren’t as pleasant. Regular king you can still fully tailor both sides for each person’s needs so unless you need absolute motion isolation (one partner wakes really easily) then to me there’s alot more drawbacks than benefits to a split king setup.

Great input. For us, we would typically agree…

But when my wife was pregnant, she wanted the bed elevated, and as a side sleeper, I struggled. She likes a bit more elevation. So for us to get that “personal customization” I feel we are forced into a split.

I’m trying to give the pros and cons to the wife, and let her decide. :slight_smile:

Attached is what they are recommending by both the website, and by email. Any thoughts before we hit order? Probably tonight or tomorrow at the latest!.

Support is very responsive by email, so I am happy about that. Additionally wife last said she is ok with a full king. Just need to talk with her about that again. Saves us money all around. Just inquired what it would take to convert this to a split king (should just be the case and topper). This way, i have a worse-case if the wife does choose to change in 5 years when the kids are older. :slight_smile:

Hey everyone, update now that my mattress came in and I have used it for two weeks.First, my wife is much much happier, sleeping much better. The mattress is 200lbs, so its a beast to move around, but assembly was painless as each piece was only 25lbs. Nice thing, if I ever move houses, I would take it apart and make the move super easy. Assembly was maybe 20min, and most of that—was unpacking.My observations are, that my hip is SIGNIFICANTLY better. My shoulder, SLIGHTLY better. That being said, you can see with the attachment, my lower to mid back is almost perfectly straight. As part of the purchase, I can swap out zones, and will be asking for them to give me a softer shoulder zone. Additionally, I was given 2 free pillows and have there adjustable latex pillow (shredded) and will be thinning it down in half (it ships as Extra Firm), to start using that as well. But you see this direction is already helping us. My wife loves her pillow at its X-Firm, I need to take a picture of her back and further adjust her side next. Customer service is still responsive as ever, by chat, and no regrets at this time.Overall, VERY happy with the purchase. The bed does sleep slightly warmer than the Purple, but its not bad–and ill likely just get a bedjet, ooler, or something in the future. After we make a few adjustments (pillow, softer shoulder zone) and I ‘settle in for a few nights’, I will send an updated pic and comments. I am hoping this feedback would be valuable to someone else who is considering this kind of bed, or has my similar issue(s).Feel free to ask any questions!

Note: Pic below, as I was with Purple Mattress, and the default-zone configuration of the FloBed w/o me swapping out zones.

[quote=“darrylb” post=88065]Hey everyone, update now that my mattress came in and I have used it for two weeks.First, my wife is much much happier, sleeping much better. The mattress is 200lbs, so its a beast to move around, but assembly was painless as each piece was only 25lbs. Nice thing, if I ever move houses, I would take it apart and make the move super easy. Assembly was maybe 20min, and most of that—was unpacking.My observations are, that my hip is SIGNIFICANTLY better. My shoulder, SLIGHTLY better. That being said, you can see with the attachment, my lower to mid back is almost perfectly straight. As part of the purchase, I can swap out zones, and will be asking for them to give me a softer shoulder zone. Additionally, I was given 2 free pillows and have there adjustable latex pillow (shredded) and will be thinning it down in half (it ships as Extra Firm), to start using that as well. But you see this direction is already helping us. My wife loves her pillow at its X-Firm, I need to take a picture of her back and further adjust her side next. Customer service is still responsive as ever, by chat, and no regrets at this time.Overall, VERY happy with the purchase. The bed does sleep slightly warmer than the Purple, but its not bad–and ill likely just get a bedjet, ooler, or something in the future. After we make a few adjustments (pillow, softer shoulder zone) and I ‘settle in for a few nights’, I will send an updated pic and comments. I am hoping this feedback would be valuable to someone else who is considering this kind of bed, or has my similar issue(s).Feel free to ask any questions!

Note: Pic below, as I was with Purple Mattress, and the default-zone configuration of the FloBed w/o me swapping out zones.[/quote]

Wow, big difference! I love seeing it when a solution starts coming together, very satisfying (I’m sure most of all for you and your wife).

Looks like you’re getting really close to having it dialed in. It definitely looks like the shoulder needs more travel into the mattress for proper alignment so I would ask Flobeds for a replacement 19-22ILD talalay shoulder/head section and hopefully that ends up giving you what you need. If you do end up needing more travel than the 3" vzone allows even after the change, you can also modify the next layer down to cut the support layer (around the upper ribcage level) and replace that section with a softer foam in the shoulder area only. I would talk with the guys over at Flobeds about this before doing that because they might have another suggestion for a fix as well. I did ask Flobeds on the phone about if they have ever had a situation where they weren’t able to get the zoning right and Dewey mentioned there was just one he remembers. He said it happened to be a person with a condition that makes their joints extremely flexible (thus they are very sensitive to changes in body position when sleeping). He said that person was able to fix their bed by buying a second vzone from them and stacking them inside the bed. I’d probably go the other route I mentioned above myself (assuming the shoulder region was the only issue) but again good to know there are always options. Anyway glad it’s working out for you.