Searching for a new mattress for over 6 months

Hi Mary.S,

I wouldn’t put too much stock into how someone else has configured their mattress, as what may be appropriate for them will have no bearing as to what may be appropriate for you, as they are entirely too many individual preferences involved.

Luma Sleep is a member of this site which means that I think very highly of them and that I believe that they compete well with the best in the industry in terms of their quality, value, service, knowledge, and transparency. They are extremely knowledgeable about latex and different configurations. They offer mattresses using both innerspring (the “hybrid” style you’ve described) and all-latex mattresses, and they are available in different levels of softness. The different models are described in more detail in post #2 here. If you are curious about their products or have particular questions, I would strongly encourage a phone call directly with them, as that will be the best way to get complete, specific and detailed answers to your questions.

If you can’t find out the specifications of what is inside of a mattress, there’s no way for you to make an educated decision and that in my opinion would be a very risky purchase, and a choice that I would recommend to avoid.

Focus upon objective information about the componentry within a mattress and you’ll give yourself the best chance for success.
