Seeking initial Guidance for Mattress Shopping

Hey voyager39,

It’s Sensei (again) and thanks for your question :slight_smile: .

To your point, a mattress specifically for sciatica suffers is most likely as you suggest: a marketing story promoting a particular component construction. To quote from Phoenix’s article “The Basic Functions of a Mattress”, “A mattress in its simplest form is a sleeping system with different parts which work together to do two main things. These are to provide you with comfort and provide you with support in all your different sleeping positions. That’s it … everything else is secondary to these.”

@voyager39, as both you and consumer nirupama888 are looking at BB Plank mattresses, thought I’d share this previous post by consumer @wormraper, post #12, “Model Change-Up at Brooklyn Bedding?” on testing of the Plank before purchase. @nirupama888, I saw that you’ve already asked wormraper for thoughts on the experience in your post #29; perhaps soon there will be feedback provided OP is still receiving comment notifications. Hope this helps :wink: .
