Simplified Choice Mattresses aka Disruptors, Bed In A Box, One Choice Fits All, Universal Comfort, Millennial Mattresses

Hi grayson.w,

I’m not personally very familiar with Which?, as that is a group focused upon reviews, testing and opinions of products in the UK, and this site focuses primarily upon the United States and Canada.

Which? (Consumers’ Association) seems to be quite similar in concept to the Consumers Union in the United States (which publishes Consumer Reports) – the Consumers Union predates the Consumers’ Association by 21 years.

I can’t read the actual article that Which? wrote about the Emma (you have to be a member), but based upon their testing methodology listed they seem to be quite similar to what Consumers Union does, which while helpful in some ways also tends to come up with some very subjective conclusions and focuses away from the more important details such as foam density (I don’t know if this was discussed in the article you mention, but I’m assuming it wasn’t as you didn’t post that information back here in the forum as I requested in case you ran across it).

While Which? is not Consumer Reports, you can read some of my comments about the Consumer Reports mattress ratings and recommendations in post #2 here and in this topic. While they may be a good source of information about more “objective” purchases, as you can see I would consider them to be an unreliable source of information or guidance about purchasing a mattress and their “ratings” are somewhat nonsensical and meaningless. My thoughts are also shared by most of the more knowledgeable people in the industry (see post #5 here for an example).

Which? may be better and more objective in how they go about analyzing a product (again I’m not completely familiar with them), but in the end you need to focus upon the specifications I mentioned to you in my earlier reply, as knowing that information will give you your best chance of making an educated and successful mattress purchase. Any mattress purchase made without that information is IMHO quite risky.
