Thank you for this wonderful forum. Looking for honest dealer in West Texas.

Hi teachtom,

Welcome … and I’m glad you found us :).

Subject to first confirming that any retailer or manufacturer on the lists you wish to deal with is completely transparent (see this article) and to making sure that any mattress you are considering meets your specific criteria and the quality/value guidelines here … the better options or possibilities I’m aware of that would likely be closest to you would either be in the Dallas/Ft Worth list in post #4 here or in the Abilene and San Angelo list in post #7 here. There is also a list for the Midland/Odessa area in post #2 here and for the Stephenville area in post #4 here but the Dallas/Ft Worth list would have the widest choices and better quality/value options than the others.

You can read some comments about them in the Dallas/Ft Worth list but as always I would make sure that there are no lower quality materials or weak links in any mattress that you are considering because the materials and components in a mattress are more important than the name of the manufacturer on the label.
