The Best Foundations or Base for a Latex or All Foam Mattress


I am in the process of buying a new mattress (looking for advice here) and with it a foundation.
I really like the platform beds because they don’t take more space than the mattress itself, provide storage underneath and are quite inexpensive.
The recommendation in this thread is that the distance between the slats be less than 3’‘.
From my search, the best option I currently found is this Zinus Joesph Modern Studio 14 Inch Platforma Bed Frame
From what I understand the slat separation is 3.5’'.
I wonder if anyone is aware of a better choice that has smaller slat separation? but similar features otherwise (~14 inch height).

edit: it appears that the Zinus bed “ships within 1 to 2 months on Amazon” which does not work with my schedule. So finding another option right now is even more vital!