What buy first? Mattress or bed?

We are looking to order an all-natural mattress in full-size for our son, from a reputable online manufacturer - but we also need to get him a whole bed.

We would like to go with a bed that does not require a spring box because we have noticed that spring boxes don’t really have actual springs lately and that after a while, they start squeaking horribly.

It is our understanding that going the European way would spare us of this problem.

The question is: should we decide on the bed first or the mattress?

Thank you so much!

Hi Syracusa,

I would start with the mattress which is the most important of the two and also because different types of mattresses do best with different types of support systems.

There is more information about box springs, rigid foundations, platform beds, and other support systems that are most suitable for different types of mattresses in the foundation post here and the two posts that it links to in the second paragraph.

By buying the mattress first you will be in a better position to decide on which support system would be best to use underneath it.


Thank you, Phoenix! One more question answered! Wheew!

I am sure I will slowly get to the “PhD in Mattressology” title.
I usually can’t let it go until I graduate. :slight_smile: