What's available in my area?

Hi Ashes,

I’m not familiar with them so I don’t know anything about the mattresses they are building. I tried to call them but they were closed so I’ll have to call them when they are open to ask them about the mattresses they are building. If they are typical of most smaller local manufacturers though … they will be transparent about the materials they are using and will probably be using higher quality materials in lower budget ranges than their mainstream competitors. Thanks for the heads up and for letting me know about them :slight_smile: ADDED: I had the chance to talk with Kevin the owner and you can see my comments about them in the Pittsburgh list here. I was very impressed with what they told me about their mattresses and they would certainly be well worth a visit.

You can see some comments about them in the Youngstown list in post #2 here and the posts that are also linked in their description. They would certainly be well worth considering for anyone that is within reasonable driving distance.
