125 pound side sleeper. Topper Help

Hello everyone. I bought a 10 inch memory foam matress about 3 years ago.
Zinus I believe is the brand that I purchased from Amazon.
I have some issues… hip back pain, nothing to bad so some day’s I’m hurting.
In regards to my mattress it feels like I hit the hard layer.
But I’m only 125 or so in weight. Is this because this is overall a very firm mattress.
I folded my comforter and placed it on the mattress and it felt alot better. Its like I wasn’t hitting that really hard part and it was like a nice soft layer but still supported me.

I was wondering what would be a good option for me… I never tried latex but after doing some basic research I am looking towards that end
but also will go memory foam if that would suit my needs more.

I was looking at a down cover but I would too lazy to fluff it out. Plus I don’t trust my fury friend. I could see feathers flying.

My budget would be max 400.00 Canadian. My number 1 thing I am looking for is soft… I think my firmness of the mattress I use will still give me that support. Or at least I am hoping so. Also. What thickness or softness lvls should I be looking into…

Thank guy’s. Great site you got

Hi JimmyPillows.

Welcome to our Mattress Forum. :slight_smile:

You’re in luck. If you’re facing the issue of a too-firm mattress, the right topper can make all the difference. Ultimately, the choice between latex and memory foam is a personal one boiling down to preference.

Softness is also relative. What is soft for me may feel medium to you, or vice versa. Are you a side sleeper? Stomach? Back? Your sleeping position will help determine how thick of a topper you should look into.


Thank you for replying. I contacted MFC and he suggested the 3 inch Latex over the 2 inch. I just assumed the 3 inch would have me sink in too much since I will be buying the soft.
Is there that much a difference bewteen the 2 and 3 inch.
I just don’t want to sink in too much where my body would be out of allignment.

Thank again for your timely response

Ordered the 3 inch latex mattress from MFC arrives in around 4 day’s.
Just want to thank you all for the information on this website.
I will update

Thank you

Hi Jimmy,

Thank you for your order! I just want to clarify the shipping timeline for your organic dunlop latex topper order. We ship toppers in 3 to 5 business days after the order is placed. In your case this means that the topper will ship between Wednesday November 30th to Friday December 2. Then it needs to travel from Delta B.C. to your location in Ontario which will add another 5 to 7 business days of travelling time. So you can expect to receive your order in the week of December 12th, if there are no delays by the courriers companies due to the high volume of Black Friday sales and Christmas holiday orders.

A BIG thank you for your confidence in our products.

