60 Day Report On My Restonic Memory Foam Mattress and Reverie Frame

As promised, I’m following up with a 60 day report on our Restonic Foam Mattress and Reverie Frame.

Not a whole lot to update - overall the review is almost the same as the 30 day report.

The only thing I have noticed is that is seems to be getting a little softer and less firm, so we seem to be breaking it in a little. It’s minor only, nothing to be wound up over.

Overall I’m sleeping well on it - with a minor moan and groan from my ruptured disc in terms of if I need to turn on my side for a bit, due to my injury, I will grab the bed frame to help me turn to take pressure off my back and not twist it as I turn to my side. This is an issue for me, but I would assume not for most people.

In terms of my back issue and comfort - overall it’s been a good fit, as I said, I don’t expect a bed to fix a ruptured disc, however, when I need a break the bed has been great to go rest on as I can adjust it each time to my needs. A huge bonus depending on the pain factor of the day.

I have come to find that I am not getting along with the memory foam pillows as much as I would have thought. I find them kind of annoying. When I put a pillow under my head, I expect it to support me, not let me sink so I have to keep re-adjusting while watching TV at night. I can deal with it - but I feel like I’m fighting with it more then relaxing with it when I watch TV. Otherwise, it sleeps fine.

My wife has complained of waking up stiff a couple of times but overall is pleased with our purchase. We’ve got our adjustments on the bed made to suit both of us at this time and so far it’s all worked out.

We don’t use the massage much, but from time to time. It is nice, just don’t use it all the time for some reason. Don’t know why…lol.

I still LOVE the build quality of the frame - it just does not give. Very NICE. The adjustable part is working perfectly. very smooth overall and feels solid at all times.

The gel infused foam is still as cool as it ever was. I love the temperature change from our old pillowtop to this - WAY better in terms of sleeping hot. There is still many a night where there is no fan running in our room now. VERY happy with this aspect of the bed.

Overall, I think it’s been a great purchase and I’ve only got minor complaints at this time - but overall, it’s been a welcomed change to our house. No regrets at this time.

hope this helps - see y’all in another 30 days for my last and final review at 90 days.

Hi vexter0944,

Thanks for taking the time to share another great update :slight_smile:


You’re very welcome - once again, I appreciate all of your help!