6'4" 190lb side sleeper needs your help for DIY build

I currently have a SleepEZ 3 layer (3in each) mattress (dunlop extra firm 44 ILD, dunlop Medium 32 ILD, Talalylay Soft 19 ILD). This has had too much push back on my shoulders as a 6’4" 190lbs 100% side sleeper. Adding a 2in soft SOL dunlop topper over this helps more with the shoulder push back but is too much sinkage with that much of a comfort layer.

I just got a Titanflex 3in soft topper from BB and will try that tonight on top of the extra firm and medium layers but I am not sure if I should have gone for the medium Titanflex topper for a less aggressive transition to the 32 ILD dunlop or if I need a transition layer.

I think latex can work for me as a support layer but not as a comfort layer. I also prefer the feeling of high performance polyform over memory foam for the top layer, but I am not opposed to trying memory foam as a transition layer.

Any suggestions for comfort layers and transition layers are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hi Bear24,

The construction you described is fairly firm. I think the issue is with the middle layer (32 ILD). You’re tall but at 190 you’re not that heavy. Ideally, I would suggest that you soften the area under your shoulders in the middle layer to a 24 ILD and under your hips, go with the 28 ILD. This way your shoulders will sink slightly into the mattress helping to level your spine and soften the push-back on your shoulders.

I hope this is helpful.

This is very helpful thank you! I have been changing around the comfort layers a lot with this build but really have not tried to change the bottom two support layers. Do you recommend zoned foam here or zoned coils? I have only really seen zoned coils for diy builds.

Hi Bear24,

I would recommend that you use a two separate pieces in your middle layer and if possible, Talalay latex. The reason for this is that the Talalay latex process has better ILD control than the Dunlop process. You could DIY but you have to make sure that the split between the two densities comes at approximately 37" from the top of the mattress based on your height of 6’4". So based on my recommendation, the 24 ILD piece under your shoulders should be 37" long, and the 28 ILD piece should be 43" long (Queen or King size). This way your shoulders and hips are being supported separately. That will allow your shoulder to sink into the softer material. That’s the key to a split-density construction. There are three expert companies on the TMU platform that can help. @FloBeds, @Latex Mattress Factory, and @CST.