About the Mattress Talk category

Welcome to The Mattress Underground Discussion Forum!

This is the place to start the “rabbit hole” deep-down research into how to find a suitable mattress whether from a trusted manufacturer/retailer or otherwise. In this section of the forum, you’ll be able to find:
• Help with finding a great mattress at a great price that is likely to fit a unique set of needs and preferences.
• In-depth answers to many mattress-related questions provided by seasoned mattress industry experts
• What do other subscribers say about their long-term experiences with a particular bed or brand?
• Past listings of mattress manufacturers/retailers by location (At the moment this function is disabled for new listing entries)

It is an exciting time and the beginning of much more to come.

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Hello. I’m in NC, zip code 27028 and looking for a new mattress preferably a natural one that will last a long time. I’m looking for knowledgable staff from smaller sleep shops or manufacturers who sell direct to help me decide what would be best suited for my husband and I. I’ve read through the Comprehensive Tutorial and a bunch of links and I’m getting confused and need help.