Do YOU Have Any Info. On Adj. Bed Air Mattresses? The Best, Mfgs., Cost , Ect. Comparisons To Sleep Air Mattresses. Air Beds VS TEMPFLOW Mattresses Thanks OLD MAN

Hi oldman,

You can see some of my thoughts about airbeds in general in this article.

While I personally wouldn’t consider one, there are some people who do well with them and if you do decide to go in this direction then post #3 here includes a list of some airbed manufacturers that I’m aware of. I would tend to shop by comparing features and materials rather than by brand and pay particular attention to the quality of the air bladders, the noise of the pump, differences in feel or firmness in the center or edge of the airbed and in their construction. I would also look for for a center section that can adjust independently for firmness so that you can have a firmer section under the heaviest part of the body to reduce sagging and of course make sure you can find out the quality specs of the foam layers above the air bladder.

Finally I would make sure you are comfortable with the exchange or return policy and any costs involved in case you wish to return the mattress or exchange it for a different model or a different type of mattress completely.
