Adjustable bed base with a Pranasleep mattress

Hello, my husband and I need HELP. We are literally going crazy in this quest for a new mattress and adjustable bed frame! This is harder than buying a car…!!

We found a super comfortable , all latex mattress floor model at a retailer in our area. It’s a high-end top of the line Pranasleep mattress. It is 50% off and has been on the floor just a few months. We could not afford this mattress without this sale, and both love the mattress. The mattress was on an adjustable base from Leggit and Platt that had a pillowtop tilt, wall hugging, etc. We loved it! The price for the base was pretty expensive, so my husband found a distributor online of Leggit and Platt and spoke with him . He could sell us the exact same base for $1300 less since he is a direct distributor, not a retailer. So same brand, same features, everything. SO WE THOUGHT. Turns out from our saleswoman at the retail store, they are not the same at all. Her base that the actual mattress is on in the store, is a Legget and Platt SLATTED adjustable base that Legget and Platt makes EXCLUSIVELY for Pranasleep. So these beachwood slats depress/bend as you sleep and move with the adjustability of the base. It’s designed as a ‘system’ with Pranasleep mattresses, hence, it’s more expensive. You can’t find this base anywhere else (yes, I tried!). The sales woman is nice, but clearly wants us/‘expects’ us to get the best of the best, and is ‘shaming’ us for the sale. In her opinion, how could we NOT get the base when it’s made for the bed specifically? And if we don’t get the base, the bed won’t feel the same as when we lie on it, nor will will it be good for the life of the mattress. The sales pressure is annoying, and I guess I’m less of a person for trying to save some money. FYI, none of the Pranasleep mattresses in the store are on regular-non slat bases, so we cannot compare or tell if there is a difference or not.
What I’d like to know from you is - IS SHE RIGHT? This is 13" luxury all latex mattress. It’s thick. Is buying the slat-base adjustable bed base worth the extra $1300 in the long run or will we not notice the difference with an adjustable bed without slats? The only difference between the bases is the slats. They are both Legget and Platt with all the same features. PLEASE HELP, thank you!

Hello sleepnirvanaplease and thanks for reaching out and welcome to the forums! She is right in the sense that putting the mattress on a foundation without any flex or give to it will make or a firmer feel. However, in our experience, flexible foundations are not good for any latex mattress because it can cause the mattress to break down sooner than normal. In fact, I took a warranty call this morning from a customer that has been using his latex mattress on a flex foundation for 2 years and it’s already softened to the point that he can feel that it’s softer where he sleeps versus on the sides. So yes, their adjustable base will make the mattress feel softer, or rather any other adjustable base will feel firmer than the one you tried in the store. However, I don’t think it’s good for the longevity of the mattress to have it on that flexible foundation.