Advice on first foam mattress purchase?

Hey guys, so I’m heading back to school in a week or two, and I’m looking to upgrade myself to a nice foam mattress. Never had anything besides a cheapo twin innerspring (so anything new will feel great), and while I’ve been trying to do my research, I’m still left with a couple of questions.

As a little bit of background, I’ll be living in a frat house the next 3 years, so I’d prefer a mattress that can stand up to a decent amount of wear and tear. Nothing crazy, but you never know what might happen. Also, my girlfriend will probably be sleeping over several nights a week, and frankly, I’m sorta concerned after reading several times that the lack of bounce/spring in foam mattresses can be problematic.

From these forums and Amazon reviews, I’ve hopefully narrowed my choices down to three mattresses in this order:

Ultimate Dreams Latex Mattress 10" Organic

Lucid by LinenSpa 12"

The Ultimate Dreams has great feedback here and on Amazon, and I believe that I read latex mattresses have a little more spring to them. This mattress is a 33% latex/foam blend though, would there be an appreciable difference? Maybe a foam mattress isn’t the right fit for me, I just know they’re the most comfortable thing I’ve ever tried before.

Anyways, just looking for some feedback on these three mattresses based on these criteria:

  • Durability (just has to last at least three years)
  • Value (should I even consider the LinenSpa low end mattress)
  • Medium-Firm
  • Spring (probably being too hopeful but this would be great)

Probably need to place my order this weekend to get the mattress in time, so please let me know what you think!

Hi gholson9,

Out of the mattresses you are considering … I would personally exclude the Lucid which uses much lower quality materials (3 and 4 lb memory foam) and a lower quality of base foam than the similar memory foam mattress from MyLuxuryMattress and will be less durable and soften more quickly.

The memory foam mattress from MyLuxuryMattress and the Ultimate Dreams from Dreamfoam would boil down to a choice between a comfort layer made from memory foam and a latex comfort layer.

One is a slow response material and one is a fast response material and both are good quality.

You can read more about the pros and cons of memory foam here and the pros and cons of latex here to make a more informed comparison and choice between them. Both of these mattresses have very good “value” IMO.

- Durability (just has to last at least three years)

While durability has many variables … based on materials alone both would be very durable and easily last this long … although high quality latex is generally more durable than high quality/density memory foam.

- Value (should I even consider the LinenSpa low end mattress)

Your top two choices both have very good value. Because of the lower quality of materials in the Lucid … I would exclude it as a “best value” choice although it does have a lower price which reflects the lower quality and has better “value” than other similar quality mattresses.

- Medium-Firm

This is very subjective and depends on how each person with their individual body types and sleeping styles interacts with and perceives each mattress. The Ultimate dreams though does have the advantage of being able to customize the comfort layer to your preference while the 10" organic (and memory foam and polyfoam is not organic at all) has a standard layer of memory foam and all memory foam is soft when it warms up (which is why memory foam can’t be used in support layers). The combination of the thickness and softness of the comfort layers and how it interacts with the support layers is what leads to the “feel” of the mattress and each person will rate each mattress by different standards. It’s usually best to talk to the manufacturer though who will give you a better sense of how their customers have “rated” a particular mattress even though the average rating using subjective terms like “medium-soft” may be very different from person to person.

- Spring (probably being too hopeful but this would be great)

Memory foam is a slow response material that absorbs energy and has no “spring” at all while latex is a fast response material that returns energy and is much “springier”. Both are very good at relieving pressure with the appropriate choice and in appropriate layers and combinations with the other parts of the mattress.

While this is also very subjective and the subject of many different opinions … latex is definitely much more “movement friendly” than memory foam (which is more movement restrictive) and for those where free movement on a mattress is important … then latex is generally perceived as being more “sex friendly”.

Hope this helps … and if you do choose to go with the Ultimate Dreams … make sure you let them know you are a forum member here so you can receive the “bonus” (in this case a free shredded latex pillow) that the manufacturing members of this site offer to the members here.

Hope this helps.
