Aireloom? TempurPedic Hybrid?

Wonderful site! I have read through a lot but am still confused. This is my first mattress purchase in a very long time. I currently have a 20 year old TempurPedic that served me well but it’s time for a new one. I’ve gone everywhere, read through endless articles… In short, I’m looking at the Aireloom Pure Luxe but also really liked the TempurPedic Pro Adapt Medium Hybrid. I’m very leery about ordering a mattress online that I can’t try first. I’m 68 years old (does that even matter lol?), about 5’4" and 120 lbs. Looking for some pressure relief mostly in the hip area and I’m pretty much a side sleeper. I want something that is going to last and not have me spending big bucks in 3 to 5 years. I’ve been happy with my TP but found myself liking a more traditional mattress. Thank you for any guidance.

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Hi Star1,
Welcome to TMU.
Any mattress you select is going to be subject to “narrowing your list down to one choice at each manufacturer/ retailer based on which one is the best match for you in terms of PPP (Posture and alignment, Pressure relief, and Personal Preferences.”

I see nothing wrong with buying a mattress online, even without trying it first, that is what trials are for. Having said that, you simply don’t want to choose and buy randomly. All of the trusted members of TMU Trusted Members could in each of their categories, based on your body profile and PPP’s narrow you down to a couple of great choices respectively. Yep, they are that good!

Both mattresses you selected are considered higher quality mattresses. Unlike the majority of Trusted Members here, the two choices you have made do not fully tell you exactly what is in their mattresses. Yes, Aireloom gives you the gauge of their springs and that they use slow recovery memory foam, HD foam and natural materials which is wonderful. They just don’t fully state what exactly that memory foam and HD foam density and weight’s measure. TP is a propriety formula and rarely gives much information other than firmer, medium, or softer feel.

While they are both excellent mattresses, it just makes comparison difficult if you were to attempt to compare mattresses yourself online.

No one can tell you what you like and what will be the most comfortable mattress system for you. That comes with trialing the mattress for a spell. Once you have tried a few, you can make some more educated comparisons with better predictability on longevity and targeted pressure relief.

What we can relay is our own experiences based on what any of us have found comfortable and what worked in various situations when things did not go quite right.

I tried both Tempurpedic and Aireloom in my original search over a year ago. My wife and I hated the Tempupedic mattress. Even as we tried up to the firmest model, we still felt like we were getting swallowed in quicksand, except getting swallowed slowly. We ruled all the TP’s out after trying 4 or 5 different iterations.
We loved the Aireloom. It looked pretty, felt great, and seemed incredibly supportive for the 15-20 minutes we were lying on it. We ruled it out. There were a couple of reasons. The two firmest models that Macy’s carried at the time were made with high density perimeter edge foam encased coils. I like to sleep on the edge of the mattress. So, half of my body would be sleeping on HD foam and half on coils and comfort layer. When you have a foam perimeter around the edge of the mattress, the advantage is that it allows you to sit on the edge (when the mattress is newer) more confidently and seemingly more supportive. That is until that foam starts to wear down. I was 250+lbs at the time, so I was not willing to take that chance. Some of those foams are 4" wide, which shaves 8" off the sleeping surface of the mattress, turning a king into queen.
So as nice as it seemed on the sleeping surface, we passed. Plus, with knowing the foam density, it was hard to predict long term durability.

It is great that you had a tempurpedic for such a long run. Even TP foams have been reformulated over the past 15 years, so what you were used to in the past, most likely doesn’t exist to the extent it did when you bought your last one.

Trusted members like Custom Sleep Technology, The Clean Bedroom, FloBeds, Flexus Comfort, Arizona Premium Mattress and others offer many natural options using latex, wool, cotton with and without springs with models that can specifically target trouble areas of your body.

I dont find your weight and height to be particularly difficult to accommodate (as compared to someone like me, who is heavier). I am a few years your Jr. and I can tell you our needs and preferences do change as we get older. So, what we thought was great 20 years ago, no longer checks the same boxes.

I understand this is not going to move the dial on your current two choices. I just hope you have a little more perspective about the challenges today when trying to compare mattresses.

Happy Holidays and good luck with whatever choice you make. Hopefully some of our trusted members will be able to offer some insight on what they have to offer, in terms of value, quality and longevity for your dollar.

Thank you for the advice!

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I forgot to mention, when comparing foams. The general consensus is the more dense the more durable and longer lasting. So when slow response viscoelastic memory foam is mentioned, 4 or 5lb is the more dense choice you want to work with. These will generally be your comfort layer of the mattress. When it comes to HD foam, (high density) while the industry considers this memory foam, it is not the same as the slow response viscoelastic (tempur style) foam. You want your HD foams to start at about 1.8lb. You will find these foams used as base layers under the support springs, and in comfort layers that are more supportive and in my case, more firm.

Certainly, if you decide on something that does not meet these criteria, that does not mean you are going to have a miserable sleep or made the wrong choice. The “best” made mattress, with the best quality materials and construction, is only the best to you, if it works. If it doesn’t, “best” is just a dictionary term. The criteria is a way to weed out things that are not likely to work. Fortunately, your selections are better quality ones, so chances of success are in your favor. When it comes to the TP, you have to realize that what you were used to, may not feel the same today.


Go search for Aireloom Preferred Luxetop M1/M2 in firm and plush (4 mattresses). They are often rebadged. Dont buy from Macys. M1 is one layer of microcoils and M2 is 2 layers of microcoils.

I like M1 Firm. I tried Aireloom vs $37k VISpring. I liked Aireloom much better. The latex softness in the comfort layer made the difference.

You might like M2 in firm or plush since you are a side sleeper.

Search on youtube for “Aireloom Mattress Reviews” Richard can get you a great price.

I havent Hastens yet, but I feel the Aireloom Preferred Luxetop are the finest innerspring mattresses available.


Im not Tempurpedic hater.

Look into Luxe Adapt Soft and Pro Adapt Soft. I like Luxe Adapt Firm myself and you should try it too.

Tempurpedic is the best in memory foam.


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Thank you for the info! I will definitely check it when. Much appreciated.

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Hello! Looking to buy the aireloom Luxtop (not sure which I tried at the store M1 or M2) you said someone could offer a great price?

Thank you,


Search youtube for “Aireloom mattress reviewd” Look for Richards phone number that has 818 area code to call or text him.

Tell him John sent you! I get no commission by the way!

