Another wasted three days searching for a mattress. Can someone please help?

I do not have a mattress! have not had a mattress for a very long time…
I have posted here twice on the Expert Forum and general forum, but had not response aside from one person promoting their own mattresses 500 miles away from me!
This evening I arrived home at 9.15 pm after another wasted visit to a store.

I am looking for a mattress without the knit fabric that seems to be on all mattresses these days. I am sick of being told lies by mattress manufacturers and salesman. I can source the coils, the fabric, the cotton and the quilting if necessary. I can get it all for under $100.00. Mattress manufacturers go quiet when I mention this point…
I honestly thought this site would be a perfect platform to find an honest mattress person, who can make a mattress without a sickening knit top, so I am very disappointed.
One used to be able to simply buy a mattress and it was comfortable.
Can someone out there please help as I am not getting any sleep. Thank you.

Perhaps a seamstress in your area could make the mattress from the sourced materials. From what I’ve seen on the DIY Natural Bedding site, one can bypass conventional manufacturers. The main rub’s the pricing of the raw materials.

I have thought of a similar idea, but it needs a machine to sew the mattress. DIY bedding only sell latex and other soft materials, not innerspring. One can also find those materials for far less at any wholesalers. Good idea but not practical, unless one is looking for latex.

here is a list i’ve compiled of all the mattress covers that i felt were worth deeper investigation, should be sorted by price (low to high)

one or two are just ‘toppers’ not full on zipped enhancements, good luck

Thank you Datrumole. I appreciate the effort you invested in this list for me. I have just returned and sat down, but have had a look at almost all of the links you provided… they are all knit covers unfortunately. Oh, I also see you listed Nest Bedding. Are you familiar with this company? I called them once and the girl who answered the phone did not know the first thing about beds. I wonder how she got the job… the following day I called to speak to the manager; he did not know anything about beds either! They had never heard of any of the basic components of a mattress, but they seemed to love the term “organic”.
They must have used the word “organic” ten times in a 90 second call!!!
This mattress search is wrecking my life and my health.

One can buy damask mattress ticking on Etsy: Damask Ticking - Etsy Since you can source the mattress innards, just pay a seamstress to fit them and attach a zipper.

An additional link. See the section for DIY innerspring mattresses.

Thank you Burpleson. I have given up on the DIY idea… one needs the correct machinery to create the tufting underneath and the stitching machine. It is not viable. I am elderly, so even if I had access to the machinery I would not have the knowledge or strength.
Etsy? I have used Etsy once… guess why? For a mattress! It was a waste of money, the item was not labelled (this is against the law) and it was more money down the drain. Etsy has no customer support either.
I have a young friend who sells on Etsy as a sideline and she does well. She openly admits it is a rip off, but she is selling small items for a few dollars, not mattresses.
Are you in the mattress industry? I notice you have a photograph next to your name with a latex pad.
Thank you so much for trying… I am looking for a basic mattress from someone who is not breaking the law. It should not be hard.

Sorry to hear your not sleeping well. I’m going thru the same thing with a recent poor mattress purchase so I can empathize what your going thru. It is so challenging to find a simple made coil mattress these days, either they are luxury high end models or really low end models. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen damask ticking either.

I did see Flexus Comfort Mattress Company in CA that sells a basic bonnell coil mattress that may interest you, but it has bamboo quilting for the fabric. Is it possible to buy something simple like that and add a damask cover to it so you won’t feel the layer beneath it?

May I ask where you can source the bonnel coils so inexpensively for a DIY? The only place I’ve seen sell coils are the pocket coils and they are about $300 for a basic system. I hope you find something that works for you and get sleep soon.

Good morning SerenityStar.
Thank you for your response. You are so right in saying the only simple matresses are at opposite ends of the spectrum, but even those mattreses are now made with knot covers and memory foam and latex is creeping into their models.
I will look up the place I found for the coils - there are several places, but only one appealed to me after a conversation.
Of course one needs the correct tools to put the bed together, so it is not viable.
Flexus Comfort? Absolutely not… I have only spoken to them on the phone and landed myself into a time consuming nightmare. They also have many complaints on this forum, but they must be related to TMU, because they continue to be a member and seem to jump as soon as MU contact them.
There is a link I found yesterday on this site, that in turn linked to a video featuring the owner of Flexus. If I had seen it long ago I would not have bothered to even call them one would think if he is promoting his company he could at least put a shirt on and visit a barber.
There are many people looking for a decent, traditional mattress, some of whom have posted on TMU but they never get a response.
Let’s hope we find something soon…

Hello Annacafe,

Initially you called my business, Flexus Comfort, requesting a particular mattress with certain specifications, which we do not make. I saw no reason to waste your time and immediately advised you that we could not help you. However, you were insistent that we provide a service that we simply do not provide. Because you sounded extremely frustrated in your search of a mattress, I recommended another local manufacturer that I am familiar with who I thought might be able to help you. Unfortunately, you were not happy with the response from the salesperson you spoke with and called me back, upset, saying, “I don’t need anyone telling me what I need. I know what I want and it only takes 7 minutes to make a mattress.” I was not sure how I could help at that point, but I nevertheless offered to call the owner on your behalf, as a courtesy to you. One hour later, I received another angry call from you because the owner had not called you back within the hour. You stated, “You think I’m going to wait around sitting by the phone waiting for someone to call me?!” This turned into an unnecessarily lengthy phone call in which you called me a liar, among other things. After this phone call, you called me back a FOURTH time to advise me that you posted a negative comment about my company on the Mattress Underground, which was completely false and unfounded. To say I regret trying to help you, would be an understatement. The fact that you are now making petty comments about my attire and appearance, truly speaks volumes about your stability. I hope that others on this forum take that into account in assessing your credibility. I sincerely hope you find what you are looking for.

Good day Henry,
Excuse the brevity, but I am writing from a hand held device, besides I see no reason to spend time with you now, save to publicise some facts.
I witnessed all calls you referenced above and your statements are 100% false. You admitted violating the law and the owners of this website were made aware of this fact and sent evidence almost immediately.
I have written to you, left two messages on your telephone, but you have not responded.
If I had made the initial calls to your office, I wonder if the situation then and now would be different?
I have left you my telephone number and welcome your call.
D. Berkowitz