Any FlexusComfort users out there?

Just curious if there’s any Flexus Comfort fans out there. I am considering their latex mattresses but don’t know which to get. I can’t go into the store to test out so I would be guessing at what what be “comfortable”. I am 170 lbs. and my wife is 115 lbs,would a 2" or 3" 22-24 ILD Talalay comfort layer be best?



Hi lightfuzz,

As you may know … Flexus Comfort is one of the members of this site which means that i believe they are among the best quality and value in the country.

Henry the owner there is also very good at helping his customers make the best possible layer and firmness choices and I would talk with him on the phone to get the best possible suggestions about the mattresses he makes. Suggestions and guidance from the manufacturer of a mattress on a more detailed phone call will always be much more accurate than any “theory at a distance” based on specs alone.

If you can’t go there in person … (personal testing is always the most accurate method of choosing a mattress) … then I would at least do some testing on latex mattresses locally to get a better sense of your needs and preferences.


Thanks very much Phoenix!

I will call Henry today! I must admit, I have never called a mattress manufacturer in my life.

Thanks again,

Hi lightfuzz,

Many of the smaller manufacturers (including Flexus Comfort) are among the most open and informative people that you would ever want to talk with and a phone conversation with them is very different from talking with a “corporation” :).

Much of the information on this site comes from hundreds (probably now thousands) of hours of talking with “mattress people” who have shared a great deal of their knowledge and experience with me.
