AZ Premium ordering/Customer Service?

Wondering if there’s something going on with AZ Premium Mattress? I ordered 3, 3-inch king latex toppers for a DIY mattress build a week ago. I never received an order confirmation email or any update. I want to make sure that there wasn’t a problem with the order since I haven’t received any order confirmation but my card was charged. I have called several times and always gotten their Voicemail. I’ve left one voice message and have also emailed once and received no response. The website listed a closure in early July but nothing for August. Anyone know what is going on?

Our online ordering system always sends out an order confirmation at the time of order. If the email address is incorrect of course you would not have received a confirmation. We are extremely busy and the volume of calls is significantly higher than normal but we are getting back as soon as possible. Try using the chat button on the site as well. Let me know the name on the order and I will resend confirmation.

Thanks for the reply. I tried the chat button but missed the window time wise. Will try again tomorrow. I don’t want to post my info here. I wonder if I typo’d the email?

I am still having a hard time getting any info. I used the chat feature, got a reply the next day asking for more information. I responded and no reply since. I also sent a separate email. The communication is frustrating. It the website was more automated to give status updates that would be so much better because people wold not have to call so much for questions. As it stands I don’t know if these shipped and were stolen off my porch or if the y still haven’t shipped. Order was 8/1.

I’ve answered all email and chat inquiries. Once a year in mid August we have what we call Hell Week. During this week we supply several hundred mattresses to a local trade school and with our severe heat and humidity this week it’s been rough on all our employees and communications have been a bit slow I’ll admit. Fortunately this only happens once a year. We are doing our best to stay on top of things.

I have an order in, system did not auto send me an email receipt, card has been charged.

I took a couple of screenshots luckily with my phone before exiting after paying, can see my email address is definitely spelled/entered correct but no auto email receipt (have also checked spam/promotions). My order was only recent so not expecting yet but wondering why I did not get an email of receipt.



Gmail recently updated their algorithms and now our email confirmations are going to spam. You will find your receipt there. Our Yahoo Store techs are working on fixing this issue.