Bamboo Bliss Vs. Ultimate Dreams Euro

Damn it Phoenix…

I swore I would never make an account, let alone contribute to your mattress forum. I suppose I should humble myself first. I have combed your site and learned so much. And in the moment of truth I felt I should ask a question.

In my estimation the Bliss and the Dream Euro are the same bed…except for the base foam density. I am 160lbs (soaking wet) and I doubt the future wife (crossing my fingers it turns out to be a woman) is probably the same/less.

Will the base foam density matter?

And you will say “Well it depends blah blah” (don’t think I didnt read all of your posts). So let me clarify.

Will my body weight at 160 lbs create “feelable” indentations if I don’t get the higher density foam?

You are a baller. That is all.


Hi CrossUp,

Welcome to the Mattress Forum! … and I’m glad you decided to register and ask your question :slight_smile:

Post #16 here has more about all the differences between both of the mattresses you are considering that should be helpful in deciding between them.

At your weight it won’t make a lot of difference no but it will make “some” or a “little” bit of difference in terms of durability.

OK … I’ll bite … what is a baller? :slight_smile:


PS: apparently it has many different meanings such as here and here and here and here to name a few. Do I get to take my pick?

Thanks so much for your help. A baller definition can be found here: How to Be a Baller (with Pictures) - wikiHow Fun You are doing all of these things without trying so don’t worry.

When thinking about the mattress cover, the wool is “nice” but I have a topper and then a mattress cover and then sheets, I don’t think I would notice.

One last follow up on the “some” or a “little” mentions. The number one thing I hate about my current mattress is indentations…will higher density foam at my weight cure that or will it likely not matter?

I understand “some” indentation is normal in a mattress but trying to determine if the $300 difference is better spent on a new topper or nicer sheets, etc.

One final wrench to throw at this convo, would the 1" polyfoam topper on the Bamboo be noticeable above the Euro?

Hi CrossUp,

In most cases the majority of any impressions come from the upper layers of the mattress not from the support core and since both of them use 3" of the same material (blended Talalay latex) this is the reason that there would only be a relatively small amount of difference between them because with your relatively lighter weight you wouldn’t be compressing the base layers as much as someone that was heavier.

This is where the dreaded “it depends” comes into play. I think that there are probably more people who have made the same comparison that have chosen the Bamboo Bliss than the Eurotop (I don’t know this for certain but it’s the overall impression I have based on memories of many others that have made the same comparison) and I generally tend to suggest buying the best quality you can comfortably afford but this will really depend on which of the pros and cons of each is most important to you because there is little benefit to paying more for something that isn’t important to you. These types of choices are a lot like playing poker where you are really playing the odds. The Bamboo Bliss would be the better hand and have higher odds of success but it doesn’t mean that it will be the winner.

The Euro has 1.5" of quilting foam and the Bamboo Bliss only has 1" in the quilting which is a combination of wool and polyfoam so there would be a little more polyfoam in the Euro that could be subject to a small amount of softening and impressions over time. Wool will also have some initial impressions but they will even out as you sleep in different areas of the mattress but in terms of the quilting we are talking about small differences between them (outside of the temperature regulating benefits of the wool).


PS: That’s one of the better “baller” definitions out of the many I read so I guess I’ll take it :slight_smile:

Ok Pheonix,

My Gen X father would say, “the things that keep you from the ground are worth money: tires, shoes, mattresses.”

So I bought the Bamboo Bliss.

Do you take videos? Would you like a video review? I can make one.

Hi CrossUp,

I agree with your father’s “wisdom”!

I think you made a great choice … and congratulations on your new mattress :slight_smile:

I would love one. I just added a video tag to the icons on top of the forum (third from the right) and if you click it you can either choose the host and add the video ID or add the URL to embed it into the forum.
