Basilio ~ In Memoriam

December, 2023… We’ve lost a friend and fellow life traveler. He’ll be remembered for his joyous self in the face of challenges and sorrows, for the value and dedication he brought to the TMU community.

Dedicated, loving, and compassionate, he found his way into our family and hearts, sharing his plentiful soul gifts all wrapped up in his unique ingenious humor and unpretentiousness. He loved his cats, he loved people, and his spirit was expansive, playful, and full of kindness. His last written words to me on Saturday 16th, stand as a legacy to us and his own immortal soul:

“Almost no sleep in 3 days, the psycho finally went to sleep so I’m gonna sneak in a nap and pace myself … I’m gonna have to Phoenix myself, and rise from the ashes of chaos… I’ve done it in the past-I can do it again! Better. Stronger, Faster.”

Rest in peace Basil.
You are loved!

Basil’s Official Obituary was published by his close friends through Ball Funeral home here.

Basil D. Karas March 20, 1964 - December 16, 2023
Basil Dimitri Karas, 59, of Squirrel Hill and formerly Castle Shannon, on December 16th, 2023. Son of the late William and Kay Karas of Castle Shannon. Survived by two cats, Saturn and Mimas, and many dear friends. Basil was a talented vocalist who performed in several local venues and was a repository of information on music and cinema. An eclectic fellow with a wide variety of interests, talents, perspectives, and the best stories, he was a beloved friend who will be deeply missed. There will be no service, but all are welcome to attend an informal memorial gathering/celebration of life at The Pitch on Butler in Lawrenceville at a date to be determined, to share memories and send him off collectively with love and peace. Please contact Andrew at 412-320-5908 if you’d like to attend.


I am not certain if it is protocol to respond to a memoriam on this thread. But Basil would never let a post go unanswered, so far be it for me to go against what he would have done(and leave a 0 next to a post)!

I never met Basil or spoke with him live or in person. We did have a great and growing relationship here on the TMU forum. We seemed to be on a similar wavelength when approaching certain issues. I am grateful to have the opportunity to work side by written side with him, albeit that time was cut short.

The cloud! When I often tell my patients at my day job, your records are stored in the cloud. The older patients are like, “cloud” what cloud? Anyone out there interacting with an elderly person or someone not computer savvy, knows what i am talking about!

For mellenia, people have been trying to reach the clouds, for whatever reason one believes. Whether it be the Tower of Babel, Mt Sinai or the Great Pyramids of Egypt. People seem to want to go up rather than down.

Well, I think Basil is sitting on a cloud up there looking down and thinking, our Trusted Members keep talking about how “cloud” like their mattresses, toppers and pillows are, but they never felt anything like these clouds! With a great big smile :grinning: on his face! Laughing, nice try you guys!

Rest in peace my friend!



Thank you Norm and Phoenix for posting. What a lovely human he was. Sad for all he was dealing with.

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Thankful for Basil for so many reasons. He will be missed, but never forgotten, especially as he lives eternally through his words and contributions here on TMU.