Bed Frame - Anyone have experience with the Knickerbocker Embrace"?

Hey beth819,

Welcome back! Thanks for your updates :slight_smile: .

Thanks for mentioning the latex delivery lead times, Beth. There is not a shortage of latex per se but more a production slowdown related to affects of COVID-19 impacting manufacturing staff and the production process. Talalay latex is supplied to US manufacturers either by Talalay Global or Radium Foam and during normal times pre-pandemic, production delays would not be an issue. Glad to hear that you made price comparisons and found TMU’s trusted members to be more affordable.

You can always try adding a 2"/ 14 ILD layer to the top of your current setup and decide whether the added soft comfort layer will provide the pressure point relief that you seek. You don’t mention in your comments, but were you able to try the visual exercise discussed in the last post response? It would be helpful for you to see how your body alignment is relative to your mattress, a picture pairs what you are feeling with how your body is interacting with the comfort and support layers.

Good luck with whichever way you decide and hope that you find the softer topper solution provides better rest :slight_smile: .


Hi Sensei,

No, I haven’t tried to take a picture because I live by myself and because of my covid bubble lol. I guess I can try to set up the self timer and take it myself? Would I take a picture of me lying on the set up with the memory foam on top, or just the latex?

I’m hesitant to get the 2"14ILD because it’s already been expensive with the different layering and adding one more is not cheap either, so I want to make sure this is the last adjustment. So I guess my options would be either 2" 14ILD and 3" of 19?


Hi again, just wanted to add that it’s no longer just that my arms and legs are falling asleep, they actually hurt especially my legs and hips when laying on side, even with the memory foam topper. So I’m not sure if adding a 2" of 14 would be enough softness or if I need to change the layering underneath? Thank you.

Hey Beth,

Thanks for your reply :slight_smile: .

Using the self timer feature for taking pictures works perfectly well and allows you time to experiment with capturing different sleep positions that you normally use in the privacy of your personal space. Practice several tries to find how long you’ll need to set the timer (10-15 seconds should be enough, but you can decide with a little trial and error). You can take pics of both set ups, with the memory foam topper and without, to better understand how your neck, shoulders and hips are aligned, as well as how your body profile is in being supported by the mattress. Include the pillows that you currently use as well, it would be interesting to see what role their height/ thickness plays in your body alignment. What pillows are you using and when were they last replaced?

Your hesitation of the expense of making another latex layer purchase is understood, Beth. When you can’t test the particular ILD latex combinations in person, the most reliable source of guidance is a detailed phone conversation with a knowledgeable and experienced manufacturer/retailer that has your best interests at heart who can help “talk you through” the specifics of their mattresses, the properties and “feel” of the materials they are using and the options they have available that may be the best “match” for you based on the information you provide them. They know more about “matching” their specific mattress designs and firmness levels to different body types, sleeping positions, and preferences (or to other mattresses that they are familiar with) than anyone else. You mention in post #40receiving advice from one of TMU’s trusted membersregarding an additional 2" 14 ILD latex layer for your current set up for adding a layer of softness, and whether you can decide to take that next step should be based on your understanding of whether you want to go through another experimental trial and what options you have for exchange/ returns should the new purchase not work out to your satisfaction.

Sorry to learn that your circulation and pressure point pain issues are increasing in magnitude, Beth. After re-reading many of your older post conversations with Phoenix, there are a few questions from earlier when you initially were considering changing the layering arrangements for resolving your soreness: what type foundation are you using now and what are your primary sleep positions currently? Have you tried your DIY setup on the floor for several days to see whether the mattress feels differently without the foundation? You may also consider seeking your Doctor’s counsel regarding any underlying medical conditions, specifically your herniated disc and what other considerations those may require.

The DIY mattress path can take time, money and effort (as you know), but can certainly be quite rewarding with a little patience. You may find inspiration in fellow consumer @Paracelsus462’s epic post, “Thoughts from my 5 year mattress building journey”, point 1/ this particular observation:

[indent]“I was convinced that all beds were garbage now with cheap egg crate foam and other cost cutting methods. While this is based in truth, it was keeping me from looking at a major problem which was my own health. I finally was forced to realize something was wrong and a few experts eventually discovered I had a damaged SI joint from a car wreck years ago. It was causing lower back pain no matter what I did. Once I finally had this addressed, I was able to finally get a bed that worked for me.”

Hoping that you find a resolution soon to your comfort issues and let us know how things go :wink: .
