Bed Slat Question


I just purchased the Brooklyn Bedding 12" Bamboo Bliss latex mattress after discovering this great site. I just purchased a new (expensive) bedroom set and ordered the king mattress from BB. It is due to be here tomorrow. The bed foundation is a slat type and first time I have ever owned one. My mattress is a king and I have 11 slats 3 3/4" apart with 7 center support beams. Do you think this setup will be enough to support my new mattress, or would something like this help or this bed rug
Natural Bed Rug | Savvy Rest ?



Hi schroedernd,

Your bedframe is rather unusual if it has 7 center support beams (most have only one or two) but based on your description and as long as the middle support beam is well supported to the floor to prevent any sagging in the middle of the bed and the slats are strong and non flexing it sounds like it would be fine for a polyfoam base layer without any additional support.


Maybe I should clarify. The “support beams” are a pole mounted to the center of the 7 of 11 slats and held by a bolt. This is my first slat style bed frame so I’m hoping it works well with this new bed.

Hi schroedernd,

Now you have me completely confused :slight_smile:

I’m having some trouble visualizing what you are describing and what your bed actually looks like or how it’s constructed. I was imagining something like this except with seven support beams that go from the head to the foot of the bed with 11 slats that lay across these support beams. It seems though that your bed is not like this but I’m not clear on what it looks like. Can you link me to a picture that can give me a clearer idea. I don’t know what you mean by a “pole mounted to the center of the 7 of 11 slats and held by a bolt”.


Sorry to confuse you. Basically its similar to what you linked me to, but there is no center “beam” just 7 center support poles attached to the cross beams. The one in you link appears to have 2 support poles.


Hi schroedernd,

OK … that makes more sense to me now. I was trying to figure out what you meat by “poles” but it was the legs you were talking about :slight_smile:

If there were 11 cross slats in a king size and only 7 of them were supported in the center it seems to me that the 4 that aren’t supported could bend too easily across the width of a king. what you need is a firm non flexing surface. I would test all the areas of the platform to make sure there was no flex (push down with good weight on the unsupported slats) and I would probably tend to use something like this which would give you a midbeam with two legs to the floor under the slats in the area of greatest weight.
