Benefit to Thin Covers Over Latex Layers Inside a Mattress?

Is there a benefit to thin covers over individual latex layers inside a mattress? Should I consider thin cotton covers as part of a DYI build?

Hello Isoc

Thank you kindly for your inquiry!

There are no benefits to individually covering your latex layers if you are stacking them inside a single zipper-mattress cover. If you are building a mattress using multiple layers, we recommend keeping each layer uncovered so that you have no layer movement inside your mattress cover. Latex foam has a natural grip-texture, which keeps them from sliding/moving inside your mattress cover. If you cover each layer individually, you will most likely have to open up your mattress cover to adjust your layers often.

I hope this helps. Please keep us posted if you can. Have a wonderful day!

Thank you so much for the insight.

I appreciate the time that you and others give to answer questions from those of us going down this rabbit hole.

Have a good night yourself!

If one were looking to have the layers slide more, what fabrics are best at reducing friction in a mattress?

Hi archidan,

A cotton sleeve will allow layers to slide more than raw latex. Why would you want that?