Best mattress to avoid sagging or body imprinting

I have tried memory foam and spring mattresses but inevitably (after a few months) end up with a “hole” I fall into leading to very uncomfortable sleep. I rotate and flip mattresses to no avail - within a short period - got that sag. Granted these aren’t real expensive mattresses (under $800), but I am jaded. I won’t spend more knowing I might just get the same thing.

What type is best to avoid sag - (latex?) and what should I be looking at. Btw- I am 5’ 9" 180 lbs.


Hi MillerMan,

Sagging in inexpensive mattresses happens for a variety of reasons, all related to the same thing: margin. In order for companies to be profitable selling mattresses for less than $800 (and pay the factory markup, distribution markup, showroom rent, and sales commission) they need to sacrifice on cost of materials. This manifests as less dense foam, poorer quality springs, weaker spring mounts, low-quality cushion layer, etc.

The first thing to develop an indentation is typically the loft (cushion layer), as this is the least dense and, if made from a cheap synthetic material, will permanently compress within weeks.

The second thing will be the comfort foam layer. If this is less than 3.5lb density, it will start to fail within several months. Failure will be particularly bad if this layer rests on springs.

The final failure will occur within the support layer (the springs or the support foam), but it’s likely the mattress will already have become too uncomfortable before this happens.

Some simple measures to take (for a foam mattress):

  1. buy something without loft - just straight foam.
  2. make sure all comfort foams are 3.5lb or higher, and support layers are 2lb or higher
  3. get something with a long sleep trial (3 months or so) so you can return risk-free if it doesn’t work out.

Best of luck!



As Novosbed mentioned … the main reason for premature softening or sagging in a mattress is the use of lower quality materials in the upper layers of the mattress.

While the type of material in a mattress is a personal preference (regardless of whether you are considering latex, memory foam, polyfoam, or any other materials) … all materials have higher and lower quality versions which are more or less durable which is why it’s so important to know the quality of every layer in a mattress you are considering.

You can read a little more about the many factors involved in the relative durability of a mattress in post #4 here and the other posts it links to.

You’ve probably already read this but just in case … post #1 here is the best place to start with your mattress research and has the basic information, steps, and guidelines you will need to make the best possible choices that fit all your criteria (including durability).


Thank-you both for your insights, it is appreciated. I’ll start the research… Need to buy something within about a month, so I guess I will get busy!

Hi MillerMan,

A month should give you plenty of time :slight_smile:

If you have feedback or questions along the way don’t hesitate to post them.

I’m looking forward to finding out what you end up choosing.
