Brooklyn Bedding/Dream Foam

I guess I’m confused by the listings. Same company but apparently different mattresses. I don’t get why the Amazon posting is different than their website. Of c course I’ m old and can get comfused easily. Can you help here?

Hi yatmeh,

They are just two different lineups made by the same manufacturer. They started with the Amazon lineup because it provides a way to bring exposure to more people because of the popularity of Amazon (at the cost of the 15% commissions that are paid to Amazon for selling on their site)m and are now adding the lineup on their own site. It’s not uncommon to see a single manufacturer that has different lines of mattresses that are sold through different sites or through two different sales channels.

The Amazon lineup also has different exchange and return policies than the mattresses on their own site which have more liberal or lower cost layer exchange and return policies.
