Cat urine on Latex

Hello MUG!

My daughter changed her cat litter and she (the cat) peed on my grandson’s latex mattress in retaliation.

Are there any enzymes she could use on raw latex? It did soak through the cover onto the actual Talalay.
So I’m assuming it might be a lost layer.

Thank you in advance!

You could try something like OdoBan, which is used in healthcare settings, and they have a special item for pet urine. I’m not sure how the OdoBan (and the cat urine) might impact the latex itself. And being open-cell foam, there’s no way that you’ll be able to reach all of the urine that has soaked into the latex… From a health standpoint, layer replacement is probably the best option.

Hi buttercupbetty!

[quote] Hello MUG!

My daughter changed her cat litter and she (the cat) peed on my grandson’s latex mattress in retaliation.

Are there any enzymes she could use on raw latex? It did soak through the cover onto the actual Talalay.
So I’m assuming it might be a lost layer.

Thank you in advance!
Oh no! Bad Kitty!!!..I have actually had this happen more than I care to admit-My recently passed cat was awesome, but was very big on the ‘retaliatory peeing on the bed’ when I displeased her…changing cat litter
brands would definitely do it…and she would look me right in the eyes while doing it!

So: my go to would be spot cleaning with a little laundry soap, then clean with water, then use either febreze, or upholstery cleaner and let dry…this had fair success, mostly. In my search for answers on cat owner interwebs, The suggestion for latex is mild detergent or isopropyl alcohol, mixed with cold water…after blotting the stained area, allow to air-dry – also you can use a blow dryer on cool setting. I would say it’s worth a try if possible, it depends on the actual amount and particular pH of the cat urine
And how long it sat; baking soda has also worked for people I know as well. It is worth a shot calling the manufacturer of the bed to see if they have any specific tips too.

I hope this works, and I guess your daughter has learned the lesson I did: no brand changes for the cat!

Hope this helps,

~ Basilio

Thank you!

If you do decide to clean it, don’t place the latex mattress under the sun. The sun is latex’s mortal enemy!! D: