Coils vs. foam for support layer

I’m thinking about putting together a DIY mattress and it isn’t clear why one would go with coils rather than foam for the support layer, other than cheaper cost for coils.The tutorial seems to favor HD foam or firm latex for support. Is there a reason other than cost that one might choose to go with pocket coils? I am 5’ 10", 150 lbs, 69 yrs with hip and shoulder pain, looking for combination of support and pressure relief. Thanks for thoughts on this.

I am curious about this too.

Hi eliotb and thanks for the inquiry! People normally choose coils because they need more edge support, it’s less expensive, and / or they are used to the feel of a mattress with springs in it and want to retain that feel to a degree. Two 3" latex layers (as opposed to 6" of coils) should last longer and would give you more many more options to adjust the feel, either by rearranging or exchanging layers.

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Thank you for explaining this. Eliot