Combining firm + latex?

Hi crash68,

I’m not sure where the information came from that you thought they are a recommendation of the site because they certainly aren’t. They appeared as a “possibility” on one of the forum lists (Midland) but they no longer appear to carry the one manufacturer (Restonic) that would have been worth considering there (and only if the specifics of all the materials were available) so I’ve removed them from that list as well.

You’re right that an innerspring would either be an offset or a continuous coil. Hourglass coils are typically Bonnell Coils and offset and continuous coils are different from each other as well. The density of latex is a side effect of the type and blend or the latex and it’s firmness level (firmer latex has a higher density than softer latex). It’s really not relevant or important with Talalay latex which uses ILD to indicate the firmness rather than density (which is more common with some Dunlop manufacturers).

Thanks for posting all the specifics of the layers and components in your mattress. All the materials are good quality and there are no obvious weak links in the design.

All Talalay latex layers in king size will have glue seams (the molds are either twin XL or queen) and this isn’t something that would concern me or something you would feel (see post #2 here).
