Comfort layer over Combi-Zone coils for back sleeper

I am a 5’10, 190 lbs, mostly back sleeper. Current MF mattress is sagging and causing back pain - at the same time, it’s too firm on my shoulders. I’m looking for firm support under my butt/hips but also pressure point relief.

I am set on the Combi-Zone as my base, just trying to decide between 3" soft talalay, 2" soft + 2" soft, or 2" soft + 2" medium for comfort layer. Maybe mix/match with Dunlop to try it out as well. Not sure if there will be significant difference between these setups. Any advice is appreciated.

Hi dqu,

Thanks for your information.

At your height and weight, I would suggest a 3" - 28 ILD Talalay latex for your comfort layer. A 28 ILD is considered a medium density. Three inches will allow you to compress the layer but not go through it.

The other option is a split 3" layer where the portion under your shoulder is softer (24 ILD). This certainly will cushion your shoulders and when you are on your side, your shoulders will sink slightly into the layer helping to align your spine.

There are a couple of experts on the platform that can help with this solution. @FloBeds, and @CST

I hope this helps.

I would suggest 2" soft Talalay and 2" medium Dunlop which will give you more flexibility.