Comfort Sleep Systems

Anyone in the CT area have experience with this company? Their website looks interesting, and local-ish for me… If anyone has input on them I’m all ears!

I spoke with David there today. I didn’t get too technical over the phone with him, because I’m sure he has forgotten more about latex mattresses than I’ll ever learn, and came away with the impression it’s worth my time to check his store out. He’s even willing to open the store during non-business hours for a schedueled appointment which I think is going beyond what most places will do. His prices seem comparable to PLB with Queen sets hovering arond $2000 to $2500. After I get a chance to stop in I’ll share my experience at Comfort Sleep Systems.

Sounds good nissan, thanks for improving the knowledgebase :slight_smile:

Hi Koala and nissanman,

Thanks to both of you for your recent posts and feedback. I’ve been working through the process of website upgrading/migration to new software (and there’s lots more to go) and both of you have certainly helped while I wasn’t able to answer as promptly as usual.

I haven’t had the chance to talk with Comfort sleep systems but I’ve mentioned them a few times in the forum and in looking at their site it’s clear to me that they make high quality mattresses.

I’d love to hear about your experience with them and I also plan to call and talk with them to find out more about them and what they are making (they emailed me as a result of your comments about the site so thank you :)).


ADDED: I did have a chance to talk with David and there’s more in post #17 here.

+1 for CSS. My wife and I were in the market for a new mattress, and, thanks to this forum, we were able to get a much higher quality latex for a very reasonable price (IMO). Outstanding customer service and its always nice to support local businesses.

Hi Bob L,

Thanks for the feedback … and congratulations on your new mattress :slight_smile:

I’d love to see the day when mattresses made by better local or independent manufacturers that are either factory direct (such as Comfort Sleep systems) or sold through through better retailers are + 1000’s (or more) all over the country.

One mattress and one step at a time!
