Considering 3 brands, decent construct, but some awful 1-star TrustPilot reviews in the 4.1-2 range

I’ve been very tempted by the ‘Hypnia Supreme Hybrid’:
Medium 11.8" (Sealed quilted comfort topper(2" Memory, Latex layer, honeycomb foam (probably sets zoning), polyurethane support board) 8" “thick” 7-zoned pocket springs). No listed edge support.
360.00 -200 trial.

but 15% 1-star on truspilot, mostly service/delivery, but some citing sagging and exceptional long term off-gassing, so potential quality control. Waiting on CS for potential details on the other layers and springs.

Rem-Fit 400/400Elite:
Medium 8.6" (1.57"/1.97" Open Mem zoned, PU Foam 0.98", 2K 6.1"/2K.9" with1K micro-springs layer Pockets, “High density eco foam” side and base layers) removable cover.
391.00/435.00 -200 trial

medium-firm 9.8"(Gel infused Mem, support foam, 2K 6.2" pockets, sides support and base foam)
Very good customer reviews.
417.00 (half the spings & gell-less budget option, 280.00. -100 trial

Thanks for any thoughts.

Especially on how much weight to give horror stories.

The OTTY foam layers are both 0.8".

I’ve mostly narrowed it down to the OTTY, but a slightly more expensive model, that they list as 6.5, rather then 7 for firms and has memory foam in both the coat and 1st layer (incidentally some supposed antibacterial charcoal effect).

Hypnia has got back to me, saying they used an unlisted foam wall for edge support(, springs though probably a softer one) and they they do not recommend rotating their heavily zoned mattress.
I’m hoping I can at least get some layer height details and maybe whether the spring measurement is height or gauge.

Basically a solid mattress from a great company, that’s 30% off.

Or 90.00 less for a “supposedly” 1000.00 “medium-soft” mattress, with more fancy layers, but 1/5th of customers reporting problems on Trustpilot.