Greetings! I’m so thrilled to have finally found such a valuable resource for mattress shopping! It’s been such a trying experience until I came here, and while it’s still stressful, I’ve gotten such great information here that it’s been a lot better since.
My wife and I made every mistake would have have made when we recently bought a mattress. We bought all our bedroom furniture, and were taken to the mattress section of this furniture outlet at the end. By that time we were so swept up in it all, tired, and excited to set up our new master bedroom in our new house, that we just picked a mattress without really thinking about it too much or haggling enough.
As a result, we’re sleeping on a pillowtop mattress that feels like a hot plate! I HATE it.
I’m looking at the 10" 12" and 14" models from Brooklyn Bedding because they fit the general price range of what I’m looking for. My question is: will these let me sleep cool? My number one issue is that I’m always hot, especially at night when I’m sleeping. It’s awful. So will these three be cooler or warmer than a competitor’s all-latex models?
ps-anyone want to buy a kind pillowtop for $1300 (that’s $300 off!) But seriously, what do I do with this mattress when the seller doesn’t take returns?
Hi Dignan17,
You can read about all the different factors involved in the sleeping temperature of a mattress in post #2 here. As you can see … the foam used is just one of the factors that will affect your sleeping temperature.
If you have one mattress that has 3" of latex in a certain ILD in the top layer and another one that has the same 3" of latex in the top layer in the same ILD and you sank into both mattresses about the same and they both had similar quilting and ticking, mattress protector, and sheets, then the “contribution” of the latex would be comparable and they would be fairly comparable in terms of sleeping temperature for most people even with different types of support layers below them.
Most mattresses would have more differences though in the other layers and components that affect temperature and each of these differences would affect the sleeping temperature as well. Wool quilting also adds to the temperature regulation of a mattress so this would enhance the temperature regulation of the 12" and 14" models.
Thanks so much for the reply! I’ve read that post you made on the factors involved in keeping you cool, and it was extremely informative (just like the rest of your site and the posts you’ve provided). You are seriously awesome for providing such helpful information to everybody here, and I’m so pleased that someone directed me to your site.
Well, now I just need to figure out where the money will come from. I’m still hoping it’ll be from selling this damn pillowtop mattress…
Hi Dignan17,
You mean money doesn’t grow on a tree in your back yard?
Sadly, no, and neither does a rubber tree I could use to harvest my own latex