
Hi Howard Marshall,


I have no idea why you are upset at the content of the email you received and it certainly doesn’t provide any legitimate reason for the type of comments in your post or your title or for any type of “warning”.

You are also on the edge of crossing the line of the forum rules for a personal attack.

Can you explain why anything in the email you posted would be any cause for any type of concern because I don’t see any problem in the contents of the email at all?

You can also see how the site is supported in this article and the source of income that supports the site is certainly no secret (see post #2 here as well).

Your post and comments are “bizarre” to say the least and I have no idea what you may be thinking that could possibly justify the comments you are making outside of the most obvious reason that you are just here to be confrontational and are using some type of figment of an overactive imagination to justify it.
