DIY Latex Build Help

I read through the guide and contacted a few of the vendors for latex layers and it seems like the recommended standard configuration is:

3" soft talalay 19 ild

3" medium dunlop 28 old

3" firm dunlop 38 ild

Latex Mattress Factory seemed like the most cost effective source. Also planning on getting the Bambo non-quilted Sleep Like a Bear cover.

I’ve read that some find this to be too firm though. Does anyone have any experience with this build and can compare the firmness to other mattresses?

For reference, I’m 5’10" 180 lbs and my girlfriend is 5’4 110 lbs. I mainly sleep on my side rolling toward my stomach and my girlfriend is a side sleeper.

My previous mattress was a Dream foam ultimate dreams mattress. I believe it had a 1" comfort layer, 3" talay latex, and 6" foam layer. I ordered it with a 6 softness (1 being the most firm) and we’re trying to get something with a similar feel.

Hi reijam.

I would be surprised at those who find this configuration to be too firm. 19 ILD is quite soft! That said, mattress feel is relative and what feels firm to one may be far too soft for another.

Approximating the feel of another mattress can be quite the adventure, especially when you’re using different materials and in different layer thickness. The benefit of a DIY is that you are able to play with the configuration and swap out the layers until they meet your comfort and support needs the exact way you want them to.

I think your proposed configuration is a great starting point. We have a lot of experienced DIYers in the forum who may be able and willing to offer their expert insights as well!


Everyone is different so take this with some salt.

I am a back/side sleeper with a slightly lower BMI and I find the standard latex configuration too firm in feeling. The problem for me is the 19ild Talalay is so soft I sink right through it and pickup on the firmer Dunlop below.

Side and stomach sleepers have opposing needs for support. If you spend any significant amount of time on your stomach, 19ild may be too soft for that specific position.

Your girlfriend might might be fine with the standard recommendation though.

Again everyone is different.