DIY Latex Mattress Encasement Sizing?

I just ordered a 10inch, supposedly 4-way stretch knit cover for my diy mattress and when I put it on, it really changed the feel to my mattress. My mattress is now stiff and has way less flexability/sinkage. I measured the materials and found that they are 10.25" in total which might be restricting. Is it a bad idea to go to an 11inch mattress cover/encasement instead? Will that .75 help with the overall feel and will it be weird at all with the extra room?

I ordered this cover in 10" Replacement Bamboo Mattress Cover | Brentwood Home

And am thinking of ordering Organic Mattress Covers | FoamOrder — the 40/60 cover (first option) in 11"

I’m hoping that ordering the foamorder cover in 11inches will give me more stretch without bunching? Also its thinner so the feel should be closer/better?


Hi hayden14,

The covering you mentioned is described as a 4-way stretch (stretches lengthwise and crosswise), but there are of course different degrees of the amount of stretch each cover might have. And apparently this cover is quilted to wool and a FR barrier, which would also somewhat limit the level of flexibility. Of course, over time this would loosen up a bit, but this cover wouldn’t be as flexible as one that was, for example, 98% polyester and 2% elastin.

Is there a law tag you can find on the product with the percentage of materials on it?

I would suggest you phone Foam Order before placing an order and ask them about the flexibility of the cover you are considering, because I can’t tell from the description or their video, and there may be another cover they might suggest you consider.

If your cover is slightly shallower in depth than your foams, it will pre-compress the materials slightly and can result in a slightly different/firmer feel. Also, the amount of stretch of the cover, whether it is 2-way or 4-way, and the cover thickness, will also impact overall feel.

A slightly larger over will allow for more movement within the cover, but this could result in the cover shifting or could perhaps result in wrinkles that you may notice/feel.


Awesome thanks for the break down! Do you know of any covers with elastin in it?

Hi hayden14,

No, I don’t keep track of the various covers that are out there, but the component post here has some sources for covers that may be useful to you.
