DIY selection assistance

Hi all… I’ve been monitoring these forums since 2014 or so, and have been through several mattresses along the way… We’ve grown tired of whats available in the conventional mattress market, especially since there is a clear lack of independent manufacturers that are local for us. I’ve decided that I want to try my hand at taking the DIY route – with the appeal being that it will allow for more tweaking if things dont work out initially. First some background… There are two of us in the bed… I’m 5’7" 205 lbs, shes 4’11 175 lbs. I’m primarily a side sleeper… She starts out as a back sleeper, but switches over to her side, and alternates right/left side through the night (usually seems like she cant get comfortable. I have issues with shoulder pain with no major underlying medical conditions diagnosed related to that. She complains of hip pain “all day long”, which kind of leads me to the conclusion that our current mattress is too firm (King Koil Laura Ashley Audrey Firm 2015 – we tried to soften it up a bit with a Kohls 1.5" memory foam topper, and that helped for some time - but now we’re both waking up miserable, when we are able to sleep at all). Prior to this mattress, we had tried a number of online offerings that didnt work out for us (Many of this is detailed from back then here: – weve also both put on some weight since that post):
2014 – Novosbed Sonata (Too firm), exchanged for Novosbed Aria (softer – but now doing duty in our spare bedroom and not used – I’ve slept on it here and there when I couldnt sleep on the current mattress, but I was never a fan of the memory foam on it and the fact that I felt sunken in to it). In 2015, we also tried a Personal Comfort air bed in which I replaced its comfort layers with two Sleep on Latex dunlop toppers – middle being 2" 30 ILD and top being 2" 20 ILD. We were actually pretty happy with the comfort layers there – but the support from the air bladders was terrible, so we ended up returning everything. After that, we had gone to the 2015 version of the Brooklyn Best Mattress Ever (medium) – that ended up being somewhat too soft for us (that had middle dunlop layer of 28, and a top talalay layer that BB said at the top had an ILD of 30-32). After all that, we got frustrated with online ordering and then returning of all the different mattresses – we ended up driving down to Sleepy’s (now Mattress Firm) and just picking out the King Koil we are on now)

So I’m thinking we may want to try a DIY hybrid pocket coil/latex setup this time around. I’m thinking of using the Quantum Edge Elite Bolsa 8" from Arizona Premium Mattress as the base… From what I understand, this is non-zoned (which I think may be a good idea given that she is only 4’11 and I am not the tallest at 5’7"). For the next layer, I was thinking of either 2" or 3" on Dunlop from APM (Medium, ILD 28-33) or from Sleep on Latex (Medium, ILD 34). For the top layer, I was thinking of either 2" or 3" in either Talalay from APM (Plush, 20-24 ILD), Dunlop from APM (Soft, 19-22), or Dunlop from Sleep on Latex (Soft, 20 ILD)

I would likely wrap everything up with the Bamboo-Wool zippered cover from APM. I wanted to know how my proposal sounded… I’m probably most unsure of the thicknesses of the transition and comfort layers… Would 3" transition and 2" top comfort be a better approach?


Hi Rick.

Welcome back. It sounds like you’ve been on quite the mattress adventure. The advantage here is you’ve slept on a number of mattresses and have many data points for your DIY.

As you already know, without an appropriate comfort layer, a side sleeper will end up with pressure points during the course of the night and could have symptoms of numbness, soreness, localized redness, or end up tossing and turning all night as your body tries to relieve the pressure. Most side sleepers will fall in the range of needing 2" -4" in their comfort layer. As she is also a back sleeper, it would be wise to choose a comfort layer that is a little thinner than side sleeping would normally require (a good starting point for a back sleeper is 2" of softer material) and then choose a support layer underneath that helps to sink in a little extra when you need it. (Which sounds like your exact DIY plan).

Correct, these are not zoned and are an excellent unit!

I’m not a DIY expert, so hopefully some DIY veterans come through and leave their advice, but I would say 2" transition and 3" comfort would be a reasonable option as the ultimate function of that transition layer is to offer extra support.

I hope I’ve helped in some regard! If you have additional questions we are here to help!

Thanks. Ken from APM answered me over in the APM forum and suggested exactly what you said — 2" transition and 3" comfort. I ended up ordering:
Quantum Edge Elite Bolsa
2" Talalay #25-29
3" Talalay #20-24
13" Bamboo/Wool cover