DreamFoam Bedding's latex quality

I’ve been browsing on mattresses.net and came upon their Latex Mattress Comparison page. I noticed that he heavily puts down dreamfoam bedding’s polyfoam AND latex. Is there a basis for this, or is this just somebody trying put down his competition?

Hi mitchellcole,

I’m not aware of any “quality issues” with the Dreamfoam lineup (the same goes for Brooklyn Bedding, who manufactures the Dreamfoam line), in either their polyfoam or their latex, and I think very highly of their quality control, componentry, and product quality.

When looking for information about the componentry used within a mattress, I’ve always found it best to source your information from the actual manufacturer. :wink:


I’ve been browsing on mattresses.net and came upon their Latex Mattress Comparison page. I noticed that he heavily puts down dreamfoam bedding’s polyfoam AND latex. Is there a basis for this, or is this just somebody trying put down his competition?

Ha, good point! It just caught me off guard when I saw that.

I think Arizona Premium Mattress needs to focus more on their own customer service and less on bashing the competition. I bought a pocketed coil unit from them after being told by them it was a part that they keep in stock and ship right away. I had to call and email multiple times to determine the ship date to virtually no response and it finally shipped 4 days later. In fact I am still waiting for a response to a question about it that I sent them two days ago.

Additionally I just received a 3" latex topper from DreamFoam via mattresstopper.com and it doesn’t appear to be a factory second. I can send a picture of the label from it if Phoenix would be able to make sense of it but it has a big A on it. I know in electronics A is used for new parts and B for seconds or refurb equipment, not sure if it’s the same with latex. Other then it might being slightly softer then I’d like I have no issues with it and while I am not using the free bamboo cover it came with it’s a nice touch that they include it given their pricing. Also I would imagine Talalay Global would have harsh words for DreamFoam if they were attempting to sell seconds as new plus given how few companies even make Talalay latex they wouldn’t want to risk harming that relationship.

Hi landale1,

Thanks for your input and good thoughts!

Regarding the timing of customer service inquiries, I’ll always recommend a phone conversation if possible, as you’ll generally receive the fastest (and most complete) response with any company. I know that highly trafficked mattress sites can take days to get through their email volume, so hopefully you’ll receive a reply soon. Aa for shipping, unless you had been promised or had made other more specific arrangements, I personally wouldn’t consider four days to be too long of a time for component shipment leaving a mattress factory, but I understand if you were in a hurry. I’m not exactly familiar with the “A” you’re describing on your piece of foam or where it is located on the product, but you’re more than welcome to send a photo along and I can be more complete in my response. :wink:


[color=black]I called them 3 times and they never answered, I left messages and they never called back. In the end I got the item I ordered and am happy with it but as someone who does customer service for a living I didn’t feel the process needed to be that difficult.

Anyway here is the image of the label from from the latex I received from Dreamfoam, it looks like the top is cut off but I imagine that is normal as there isn’t much room left for it be. The A is in that box so that was what I was referring too. I am guessing the numbers on the right are ILD test results?[/color]

Hi landale1,

I agree, if the showroom is open (they often pull double-duty answering online questions and the showroom), you’d expect the phone to be answered.

Thank you for posting the photo. Now that I know exactly to what you’re referencing I can get an answer for you. I’ll post back as soon as I have a confirmation. And yes, those are the testing numbers of the core at the nine different locations they use.


Hi landale1,

The A and the 4 refer to line and mold numbers - they have nothing to do with QC.
