Dumb question

Does it matter if you place the holes in a latex layer facing up or facing down? Is there are preferable configuration for maximum durability/comfort? Just received my SleepEZ mattress layers and am eager to unpack them and put the bed together! (If this info is in any instructions inside the boxes, sorry for the question. I haven’t opened them yet.) I’m very excited to get rid of hot, stinky memory foam and onto my new mattress!

Hello Greyling and thank you so much for the order! The holes you’re referencing are from pin cores that are used to bake the latex evenly. They are not there for looks or to affect the firmness of the layers, and they are not there for breathability either. Latex is an open-celled product that is naturally breathable and it’s going to breathe well and sleep cool whether the latex has pin cores that go all the way through or not. I’ve only heard of a few people being sensitive enough to notice the difference in feel depending on how the layers are oriented, and it couldn’t been a type of placebo effect, it’s really hard to say.

As for the mattress assembly, please note that we used to include paper instructions with all of our shipments, but we would get complaints about not being a paperless company and not being as “green” as we could be, so we stopped including paper instructions. Of course now we get complaints about not including instructions, but I guess you can’t please everyone! I’ve attached the assembly instructions we send to white glove agents to this post, please let me know if you don’t get them and I can email them to you directly if you’ll give me your Sleep EZ order number.

Thanks so much for the speedy answer and for the video attachment. I had an idea of how to put it together after reading a lot here and watching other videos, but it was really good seeing one with instructions that are specific to “my” mattress!
Tomorrow will be the big unboxing day now that our heat wave has broken (no AC here in Maine so it would have been hot work bringing the boxes upstairs with DH and then putting the bed together). Can’t wait!


Congratulations on your new mattress purchase! Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions or updates concerning your mattress. Happy sleeping!
