First, thank you for all the great information on this site. It’s a great service you provide.
I have become convinced of the benefits of latex in both the support and comfort layers. My wife and I are both primarily stomach sleepers. I’m 6’3’’ 185 lbs and my wife is 5’4’’ 105 lbs. We both have fairly flat profiles.
I’m attracted to the Select Sleep 9000 Latex Mattress from Sleep EZ for a number of reasons, but one of the big reasons is the comfort layer is just an 1 1/2 or 2 inches. So many latex mattresses have three inch comfort layers and it seems that is just too much for flat-profiled stomach sleepers. The mattress has three inch layers on the bottom and middle with the 1 1/2 on top. I’m thinking extra-firm → firm → medium (from bottom to top) on my side and firm → medium → soft on my wife’s side is probably a decent approximation of optimal for each of us.
My only potential concern and hence question is whether it is enough latex for a 185 lb individual. Considering I’m a flat-profiled stomach sleeper looking for a fairly firm mattress, it seems it should probably be fine–that extra is likely just superfluous. But I’m not sure. Should I be concerned?
In terms of thickness I wouldn’t be concerned at all and 8" - 9" in the right layering would even be perfectly suitable for people who were much heavier than you.
From the artlcle you linked …
Even a 6" single layer of latex in the right ILD would often be enough for people in your weight range that were stomach sleepers to keep them from bottoming out and would be “comfortable” for many but 8" allows for a firmer deep support layer and a wider range from soft to firm in the mattress or for more layers that can be “fine tuned” or customized more effectively.
the split layering you are considering is also a good idea because you can also “borrow” from each side if you wanted to experiment with different layering.
Just as a point of reference … the SleepEz 9000 has 2" of latex (actually closer to about 1.9" if its Talalay because the core it’s cut from is 5.6") in the comfort layer and the description that mentions 1 1/2" is from an older part of their site that isn’t part of the main links on their front page.
I can see you’ve been doing some reading and “homework”