Ergomotion base malfunction

My adjustable base is now stuck with the head at 70 degrees. The foot moves just fine. It got stuck as I was going to sleep at midnight, so now I’m trying to sleep in the recliner. I can’t go playing under the bed tonight. Any have any issues like this? I know I never sent the official warranty to them when I purchased it in May 2013. I hope there aren’t any issues with this if it needs parts replaced.

Hi Chirurgeon,

That’s certainly not great news :frowning:

Have you tried the suggestions on page 9 of the owners manual.

If there is nothing obstructing the lifting mechanism and the power supply is the problem you may be able to lower the bed with the emergency battery power supply.

Other than these you will need to call them for any other suggestions or warranty service. Hopefully your warranty registration won’t become an issue because it says on the warranty here that it is supposed to be sent in within 90 days. Either way they should be able to help but the warranty will of course affect the cost.


On the phone with them now. They let me register my warranty even though it’s been almost a year and a half. They are going to set up a technician to come and check out the bed since I am unable to get under there. They are also sending a package of parts. Hopefully I can get someone under there to at least get the bed down so I can sleep in my own bed. They were wonderful. It will be a few days before the tech can come, I have to get the parts delivery first. Fingers crossed.

Hi Chirurgeon,

Thanks for the feedback … and that’s good news that they let you register the warranty and were so responsive.

Hopefully things will be fixed quickly so you can go back to normal sleeping.
