Factory Direct Latex source near NW Indiana?

Hello all,

Thanks for all the tremendous feedback in this thread. You make my “job” really easy :slight_smile:

@ mkay2805,

I think that half the battle is knowing where to shop and if you find good outlets (that actually know and will tell you accurately and truthfully what is in their mattresses) … then the other half of actually choosing a mattress is much easier. There are some guidelines here which can help prevent most of the traps and pitfalls of mattress shopping and then the outlets and choices that are left are almost always your best quality and value. Even though they may not be in your back yard … you have some of the best value in the country within reasonable driving distance.

About the only think I can add to this thread is to reinforce that if I was in your shoes … I would likely call http://www.holderbeddinglafayette.com/ (assuming they are close enough to you for a quick drive) and other than that I would put my focus on My Green Mattress and Quality Sleep. High quality factory direct manufacturers like these make mattresses that use much higher quality materials and sell them at much more reasonable prices than any of the mainstream outlets.

I notice you were looking at the iComforts and you can see an analysis and review of the lineup here. They certainly don’t compete in quality of materials with the mi-comfort and of course in value they aren’t even in the ballpark.

Even if the drive is longer … a good outlet where you can believe what they say and have the skills, ability, quality, and value to help you make your best choices all in one location can save you many hours of frustration and confusion … not to mention a significant amount of money … both now and down the road :slight_smile:
