fed up with mattress sellers gouging people knowingly

Im getting really disgusted after a few years of mattress searching.Disgusted with the people in this industry .I have met very few (and i have met a lot ) who actually care about someone getting the proper mattress. and more about money. High end sellers who sell mattresses at 4-5 thousand .and all spout “natural” is the reason it costs so much. Its not just that ,some people are just downright creepy in this industry .Who dont want you as a customer becasue youre honest about their misdealings. This is really starting to bug me. And if i get bugged anymore I would like to post these Mattress dealers names so people can AVOID them .I dont know what the forum rules are on that.

Hi suzyQ,

You certainly won’t find a more compassionate ear about the frustration of shopping for a mattress than from me and other members here on the site, but this forum and this site has never been a place to “vent feelings” and has always been about helping to educate and inform consumers about making the best possible mattress choice. It’s not a place for people to condemn, complain and criticize. While objective feedback is always welcome, if it includes information that isn’t completely accurate or is misleading (intentionally or otherwise), then it will also be replied to just like any other comments on the forum that may be misleading or incomplete. The goal is to have a more “balanced” approach which means that I take everything into account and not just the comments made by a single anonymous member that may not represent all sides of the story. My goal is always to use the posts in the forum as part of the information and education process that can help other members who will read it to avoid making the same “mistakes” or having the same experience with their own purchase, regardless of where they buy it from.

Unfortunately, in today’s online environment which is weighted so heavily (and somewhat unfairly) towards negative consumer comments and feedback, even a single “negative” online comment can have a disproportionate effect on the sales or reputation of a small business (whether it was deserved or not) and can negatively affect years of hard work and effort towards building a good reputation. It can also have a disproportionate effect on other people’s buying choices and can tend to predispose others towards having a more negative perception or opinion of a business based primarily on hearsay before they have even talked with them themselves.

If a member here makes allegations about a company (whether they are a member here or not) or makes allegations that can’t be substantiated about the “motives” or “ethics” of a company or only includes part of the story and excludes the parts that contradict what they are saying, then I certainly don’t just assume that what they are saying is completely accurate because there is almost always another side to the story which also needs to be included for the benefit of others that read those comments as well. Today, the internet is too full of consumers that take advantage of the opportunity that anonymity gives them to make unreasonable comments or accusations (explicit or implicit) about businesses that make mistakes or that minimize or downplay the meaning or effect of their words and who somehow feel that it’s OK to say anything that their emotional state or the inconvenience or frustration they are facing seems to justify.

I do always appreciate when people share their thoughts about any mattress purchase (positive or negative) and it’s completely normal that people that have done their research here wish to share their feedback about whether their purchase was successful, but I will also often make comments about member’s reviews or feedback as well if they are misleading, inaccurate or unobjective so that others don’t take their content too seriously or at least realize that what is being written applies to only one person.

This is also the reason that this site will never be a review site (there isn’t a section for reviews) because it will always be more focused on educating the members here with more “fact based” information than on encouraging them to repeat the same mistakes that consumers have been making for many years.

Thanks! :slight_smile:


Thank you …well said. I also am a small business owner and I agree it is easy for customers online and people in general to be more agressive and often untruthful in their comments. I am not one of those people because I know exactly what that would be like.

I admire what you are trying to achieve here. I admire anyone who is truthful and objective. I have gained much knowledge from this site as I can imagine many consumers have as well.



Hi suziQ,

Thank you for your very kind words!
