Finally decided

This isn’t so much a question as a statement. I finally decided to go with a Spindle mattress. I like their responsiveness to customers, their honesty about what their mattress is and what it will and will not do for you, and they were a treat to order from. This is in opposition to Plush who have what looks like a wonderful product, but seem overwhelmed with orders with poor customer service and wait times that are way longer than they say on the internet. They have that “big company” feel about them and I decided I didn’t want to try to deal with that if I had any problems. The mattress I ordered has the organic certifications that are most important even if it doesn’t have as many as Plush.
I have the impression from Spindle that they want their customers to be genuinely happy and that while they want to sell a mattress, they aren’t about to sell you something just to sell you something. They are a trusted member and that counts for a lot too. After being on the forum off and on for a week and reading most of the articles I know that a lot of thought and research goes into your decision to add a company as a trusted member. Kim was honest about the fact that I might need to soften their mattress up down the road, that they don’t have a soft layer for the mattress so a mattress topper might be necessary. (I suppose I could buy a topper from another company too and substitute it for one of their layers). I appreciated his honesty. You can always soften up a mattress but can’t make it harder. The best part is that I will finally be free of memory foam smell!!! I am one of those people who is just very sensitive to that smell. When my hair and skin started smelling like it, I knew something had to give. Plus I’m not convinced it’s safe even though it may be Certi-Pur. Anyway, many thanks to the Mattress Underground and those who have helped in this journey to Spindle. I doubt I would have known of them were it not for MU.

I’m glad you found something that you will be happy with. Although most of my mattress education comes from here and youtube I was going to suggest Spindle yesterday but hesitated since they only had the med/firm mattress. I notice most beds are med/firm though so it must work for the majority of people.

Have a great weekend Greyling :slight_smile:

Appreciated your input. Sounds like we had the same idea. I may end up either getting a soft layer elsewhere or a topper but we’ll take it one step at a time. Can’t wait to get memory foam out of our house!!! Have a great weekend.